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572 Chapter 19 Ordinary differential equations I

Solving Equations (19.17) and (19.18) simultaneously we find α = 21

85 andβ=−18 85 ,

so thatthe particular integral is

y P

(x) = 21

85 cosx−18 85 sinx


AnLC circuitwithsinusoidalinput

The differential equation governing the flow of current in a seriesLC circuit when

subject toanapplied voltage v(t) =V 0

sinωt is

L d2 i

dt + 1 2 C i = ωV 0cos ωt

Derive this equation and then obtain its general solution.


Kirchhoff’s voltage law and the component laws give

L di

dt + 1 ∫

idt =V

C 0


To avoid processes of differentiation and integration in the same equation let us differentiate

thisequation w.r.t.t. This yields

L d2 i

dt + 1 2 C i = ωV 0cos ωt

as required.

The homogeneous equation isL d2 i

dt + i 2 C = 0. Lettingi = ekt we find the auxiliary

equation isLk 2 + 1 C =0sothatk=± √ j . Therefore, using the result of


Example 19.22, with α = 0 and β = 1 √


, the complementary function is

t t

i=Acos√ +Bsin√ LC LC

Tofindaparticularintegral,tryi =Ecos ωt+F sin ωt,whereE andF areconstants.

We find


= −ωEsinωt + ωFcosωt


d 2 i

dt 2 = −ω2 Ecosωt −ω 2 Fsinωt

Substitution into the inhomogeneous equation yields

L(−ω 2 Ecosωt − ω 2 Fsinωt) + 1 C (Ecosωt +Fsinωt) =V 0 ωcosωt

Equating coefficients of sinωt gives

−ω 2 LF + F C = 0

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