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19.6 Constant coefficient equations 569


1 (a) y=Ae x +Be 2x

(b)y=Ae −x +Be −6x

(c) x =Ae −2t +Be −3t

(d)y=Ae −t +Bte −t

(e) y=Ae 2x +Bxe 2x

(f) y = e −0.5t (Acos2.78t +Bsin2.78t)

(g)y=Ae x +Bxe x

(h) y = e −0.5t (Acos2.18t +Bsin2.18t)

(i) y=Ae −2x +Be x

(j) y=Acos3x+Bsin3x

(k)y=A+Be 2x

(l) x=Ae 4t +Be −4t

2 Lk 2 +Rk+ 1 C =0 i(t) =Aek 1 t +Be k 2 t

where √

R 2 C −4L

−R ±


k 1 ,k 2 =


√ √ )

3x 3x

3 e

(Acos −x/2 +Bsin

2 2

19.6.2 Findingaparticularintegral

We stated in Property 2 (Section 19.5.2) that the general solution of an inhomogeneous

equation is the sum of the complementary function and a particular integral. We have


We shall now deal with the problem of finding a particular integral. Recall that

theparticularintegralisanysolutionoftheinhomogeneous equation.Thereareanumber

of advanced techniques available for finding such solutions but these are beyond

the scope of this book. We shall adopt a simpler strategy. Since any solution will do

we shall try to find such a solution by a combination of educated guesswork and trial

and error.

Example19.26 Findthe generalsolutionofthe equation

d 2 y

dx − dy

2 dx −6y=e2x (19.14)

Solution ThecomplementaryfunctionforthisequationhasalreadybeenshowninExample19.18


y H

=Ae 3x +Be −2x

We shall attempt to find a solution of the inhomogeneous problem by trying a function

of the same form as that on the r.h.s. In particular, let us tryy P

(x) = αe 2x , where α is a

constant that we shall now determine. Ify P

(x) = αe 2x then dy P

dx = 2αe2x and d2 y P


dx 2

4αe 2x . Substitution inEquation (19.14) gives


4αe 2x −2αe 2x −6αe 2x = e 2x

−4αe 2x = e 2x

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