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568 Chapter 19 Ordinary differential equations I

If the auxiliary equation has two equal roots,k 1

, the complementary function is

y =Ae k 1 x +Bxe k 1 x

Example19.25 Obtain the general solution of the equation

d 2 y

dx 2 +8dy dx +16y=0

Solution As before, a trialsolution of the formy = e kx yields an auxiliary equation:

k 2 +8k+16=0

This equation factorizes so that


and we obtain equal roots, that is k = −4 (twice). If we proceed as before, writing

y 1

(x) = e −4x , y 2

(x) = e −4x , it is clear that the two solutions are not independent. To

apply Property 1 we need to find a second independent solution. Using the result of

Example 19.24 we conclude that, because the roots of the auxiliary equation are equal,

the second independent solution isy 2

=xe −4x . The general solution isthen

y(x) =Ae −4x +Bxe −4x


1 Obtainthe general solutions,that isthe

complementary functions,ofthe following

homogeneous equations:








d 2 y

dx 2 −3dy dx +2y=0

d 2 y

dx 2 +7dy dx +6y=0

d 2 x

dt 2 +5dx dt +6x=0

d 2 y

dt 2 +2dy dt +y=0

d 2 y

dx 2 −4dy dx +4y=0

d 2 y

dt 2 + dy

dt +8y=0

d 2 y

dx 2 −2dy dx +y=0






d 2 y

dt 2 + dy

dt +5y=0

d 2 y

dx 2 + dy

dx −2y=0

d 2 y

dx 2 +9y=0

d 2 y

dx 2 −2dy dx = 0

d 2 x

dt 2 −16x=0

2 Findthe auxiliaryequation forthe differential


L d2 i

dt 2 +Rdi dt + 1 C i = 0

Hence write down the complementary function.

3 Findthe complementaryfunctionofthe equation

d 2 y

dx 2 + dy

dx +y=0

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