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566 Chapter 19 Ordinary differential equations I

Usingthe technique illustratedinExample 19.21 we obtain

x(t) =Acosωt +Bsinωt

whereA,Bareconstants. Note this solution may alsobe expressed as a singlewave

x =Ccos(ωt +φ)

whereC and φ are constants, using the technique described in Section 3.7.1, Combining


We note that this solution is sinusoidal and oscillates with time. It gives the position

of the mass at a given point in time. The constantsC and φ depend on the

position and velocity of the mass when it is released. These are known as theinitial



into account.

Mathematically describing or modelling systems like this one using differential



can be accurately characterized.

Example19.22 Givenay ′′ +by ′ +cy = 0,writedowntheauxiliaryequation.Iftherootsoftheauxiliary

equation arecomplex and aredenoted by

k 1


k 2


show thatthe general solution is

y(x) =e αx (Acosβx+Bsinβx)

Solution Substitution ofy = e kx into the differential equation yields

(ak 2 +bk+c)e kx =0

and so

ak 2 +bk+c=0

This isthe auxiliary equation. Ifk 1

= α + βj,k 2

= α − βj thenthe general solution is

y =Ce (α+βj)x +De (α−βj)x

whereC andDarearbitraryconstants. Usingthe laws ofindices thisisrewritten as

y=Ce αx e βjx +De αx e −βjx =e αx (Ce βjx +De −βjx )

Then, usingEuler’s relations, weobtain

y =e αx (Ccosβx+Cjsinβx+Dcosβx−Djsinβx)

=e αx {(C +D)cosβx+ (Cj−Dj)sinβx}

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