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19.6 Constant coefficient equations 565



Consider the simple mechanical problem of a mass resting on a smooth frictionless

table. A spring is attached to the mass and an adjacent anchor point as shown in

Figure 19.6. The spring is capable of being compressed as well as stretched. When

the spring isneither compressed nor stretched the mass islocated atx = 0.





Mass--spring system.

If the mass is pulled in thexdirection and let go, it will oscillate about thex = 0

position. We wish to find the position of the mass,x, as a function of time,t. Differential

equations are needed todescribe thisproblem fully.

Newton’s second law states that if a forceF is applied to a body of massmthen

themotionofthebodyisgovernedbyF =ma,whereaistheacceleration.Applying

Newton’s second law, and noting thata = d2 x

dt2,we obtain

F =m d2 x

dt 2

The force, F, is provided by the spring. The force exerted by a spring is given by


of the spring,



when the spring is stretched (x > 0) the force is in the negativexdirection. When

the spring iscompressed (x < 0) the force isinthe positivexdirection.

If the table is sufficiently smooth and if there are no other external forces acting,

thenm d2 x

dt 2 = −kx.

Therefore thedifferentialequationthatgoverns motioninthe system is

m d2 x

dt 2 +kx=0

We write thisas

d 2 x

dt 2 + k m x = 0

Let k m = ω2 ,giving

d 2 x

dt 2 +ω2 x=0

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