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19.6 Constant coefficient equations 563

The auxiliary equation ofa d2 y

dx 2 +bdy dx +cy=0is

ak 2 +bk+c=0

Solution of this quadratic equation gives the values of k which we seek. Clearly the

nature of the roots will depend upon the values ofa,bandc. Ifb 2 > 4ac the roots will

be real and distinct. The two values ofkthus obtained,k 1

andk 2

, will allow us to write

down two independent solutions:

y 1

(x) =e k 1 x

y 2

(x) =e k 2 x

and so the general solution of the differential equation will be

y(x) =Ae k 1 x +Be k 2 x

Iftheauxiliaryequationhasreal,distinctrootsk 1

andk 2


will be

y(x) =Ae k 1 x +Be k 2 x

On the other hand, if b 2 = 4ac the two roots of the auxiliary equation will be equal


treatmentisrequired.Ifb 2 <4acthetworootsoftheauxiliaryequationwillbecomplex,

that isk 1

andk 2

will be complex numbers. The procedure for dealing with such cases

will become apparentinthe following examples.

Example19.20 Findthe generalsolutionof

d 2 y

dx 2 +3dy dx −10y=0

Find the particular solution which satisfies the conditionsy(0) = 1 andy ′ (0) = 1.

Solution By lettingy = e kx , so that dy

dx =kekx and d2 y

dx = 2 k2 e kx , the auxiliary equation is found


k 2 +3k−10=0



sothatk = 2andk = −5.Thusthereexisttwosolutions,y 1

= e 2x andy 2

= e −5x .From

Property 1 we can writethe general solution as

y=Ae 2x +Be −5x

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