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562 Chapter 19 Ordinary differential equations I

Solution As suggested we try a solution of the formy = e kx . Differentiating we find dy

dx =kekx

and d2 y

dx 2 =k2 e kx . Substitution into the given equation yields

that is,

k 2 e kx −ke kx −6e kx =0

(k 2 −k−6)e kx =0

The only way this equation can be satisfied forall values ofxisif

that is,

k 2 −k−6=0 (19.13)


so thatk = 3 ork = −2. That is to say, ify = e kx is to be a solution of the differential

equationkmustbe either 3 or −2. We therefore have found two solutions

y 1

(x) = e 3x and y 2

(x) = e −2x

These two functions are linearly independent and we can therefore apply Property 1 to

give the general solution:

y H

(x) =Ae 3x +Be −2x

Equation (19.13) fordeterminingkiscalled theauxiliary equation.

Example19.19 Findthe auxiliary equation ofthe differential equation

a d2 y

dx 2 +bdy dx +cy=0

Solution We try a solution of the formy = e kx so that dy

dx =kekx and d2 y

dx = 2 k2 e kx . Substitution

into the given differential equation yields

that is,

ak 2 e kx +bke kx +ce kx =0

(ak 2 +bk+c)e kx =0

Since thisequation istobe satisfied for all values ofx, then

ak 2 +bk+c=0

isthe required auxiliary equation.

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