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556 Chapter 19 Ordinary differential equations I

(c) To find the particular solution subject to the condition v C

(0) = 0 we need only

replaceV 0


response is

v C

(t) =



ωsin ωt +

R 2 C 2 ω 2 +1

cos ωt




R 2 C 2 ω 2 +1 e−t/(RC)

(d) In the case of zero input we have v S

(t) = 0. In part (b) we solved the equation

with v S

(t) =V cos ωt.Hence,puttingV = 0inthesolutiontopart(b)willyield

the solution when v S

(t) = 0.So,

v C

(t) =V 0

e −t/(RC)

Alternatively we can note thatwhen v S

(t) = 0 the originalequation becomes

dv C

+ 1

dt RC v C =0

subject to v C

(0) =V 0

. This can be solved usingseparation of variables. So

1 dv C

= − 1

v C

dt RC

Integration yields

∫ 1

v C

dv C



RC dt

lnv C

=− t

RC +k

v C

= e −t/(RC)+k

= e k e −t/(RC)

=Ae −t/(RC)

(k a constant)

where A is the constant e k . Applying the initial condition v C

(0) = V 0

we find

V 0

=Aand so finally

as before.

v C

(t) =V 0

e −t/(RC)

(e) Inspectionofpart(b)showsthatitisthesumofthezero-inputresponseandthe

zero-state response:

zero-input zero-state response


{ }} { { }} {

v C

(t)=V 0

e −t/(RC) +


cos ωt



ωsinωt+ −

R 2 C 2 ω 2 +1 RC R 2 C 2 ω 2 +1 e−t/(RC)

(f) In this example, the terms involving e −t/(RC) tend to zero ast increases, and are

termed transients. Once the system has settled down their contribution will not

be important. The remaining terms represent the longer term behaviour of the

systemor the so-calledsteady state.

Hence the transient termsare

V 0

e −t/(RC) V

R 2 C 2 ω 2 +1 e−t/(RC)

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