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554 Chapter 19 Ordinary differential equations I


ie Rt/L = 1 L

= 1 L

te Rt/L dt

( te


R/L − ∫ e


R/L dt )

= teRt/L

R − L R 2 eRt/L +K

whereK isthe constant of integration. The general solution is

i = t R − L R 2 +Ke−Rt/L

When t = 0, i = 0. This gives the initial condition required to find K. Applying

i(0) = 0 givesK =L/R 2 so thatthe particular solution is

i = t R + L R 2 (

e −Rt/L −1 )

In many engineering applications the terms transient response, steady-state response,

zero-input response, and zero-state response arise through the solution of differential

equations.These termsare explained inthe following example.


RC circuit:zero-inputresponseandzero-stateresponse

The differential equation which is used to model the variation in voltage across a

capacitor, v C

(t), inaseriesRC circuitwasderived inEngineeringapplication 19.1:

RC dv C


dt C

=v S


where v S

(t) is the applied voltage. Suppose that this applied voltage takes the form

v S

(t) = V cos ωt. Suppose also that when the switch is closed att = 0, the initial

voltage across the capacitor isV 0

, thatis v C

(0) =V 0


(a) Show that this equation can be written in the form of Equation (19.4); that is, it

is a first-order linear equation.

(b) Usetheintegratingfactormethodtoobtaintheparticularsolutionofthisequation

which satisfies the given initial condition.

(c) Obtain the particular solution of the equation subject instead to the initial condition

v C

(0) = 0. It corresponds to the response of the system when there is no


(d) Obtainthesolutionoftheequationinthecasewhenthesupplyvoltageisidenticallyzero,

v S

(t) = 0,subjecttothegivencondition v C

(0) =V 0


often referred to as the zero-input response, and represents the response of the

systemwhen the input iszero.

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