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548 Chapter 19 Ordinary differential equations I

Consider again the differential equation of the previous example:


dx (x2 y) =cosx

Using the product rulefordifferentiation we can expand the l.h.s. as follows:


dx (x2 y) =x 2dy

dx +2xy

Doing this, the differential equation can bewritten inthe equivalent form

x 2dy

dx +2xy=cosx

Suppose we had posed the question in this form. A method of solving this equation

would be to recognize that the equation is exact and that the l.h.s. could be written as


dx (x2 y).

Itiseasy torecognize an exact equation because itwill always take the form

µ dy

dx +µ′ y=f(x)

where µ is some function ofx. That is, the coefficient ofyis the derivative of the coefficient

of dy

dx . When thisisthe case the l.h.s. can be written d dx (µy).

Example19.13 The following equations are exact. Note in each case that the coefficient of y is the

derivative ofthe coefficient of dy . Solve them.


(a) x 3dy

dx +3x2 y =e 2x

(b) cosx dy − (sinx)y =1


Solution (a) The equation can be written


dx (x3 y) =e 2x

and so, upon integrating,

x 3 y = e 2x dx

so that

= e2x

2 +c

y = e2x

2x 3 + c x 3

(b) The equation can be written


((cosx)y) =1


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