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538 Chapter 19 Ordinary differential equations I

Example19.4 Verifythaty =Ce x is a solution of dy =y, whereC is any constant.


Solution If y = Ce x , then dy

dx = Cex . Therefore, for all values of x, dy = y and the equation


is satisfied for any constantC;C is called an arbitrary constant and by varying it, all

possible solutions can be obtained. For example, by choosingC to be 1, we obtain the

solution of the previous example. Infact,y =Ce x isthe general solution of dy

dx =y.

More generally, to determine C we require more information given in the form of a

condition.Forexample,ifwearetoldthat,atx = 0,y = 4thenfromy =Ce x wehave

4=Ce 0 =C

so thatC = 4. Therefore y = 4e x is the solution of the differential equation which

additionally satisfies the condition y(0) = 4. This is called a particular solution. In

general, application of conditions to the general solution yields the particular solution.


same asthe number ofconstants.

Consider the following example.

Example19.5 Consider the second-order differential equation

d 2 y

dx 2 +y=0

The general solution of this equation can be shown tobe



Find the particular solution which satisfies the conditions

(a) whenx = 0,theny = 0,and

(b) whenx = 3π 2 ,theny=1.

Solution Wenotethatbecausethegeneralsolutionhastwoarbitraryconstants,AandB,thentwo

conditions are necessary to obtain a particular solution. Applying the first condition to

the general solution gives



ThereforeA = 0,andthesolutionreducestoy =Bsinx.Applyingthesecondcondition

we find

1=Bsin 3π 2

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