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536 Chapter 19 Ordinary differential equations I

y R

y S





y C


AnRC charging circuit.

and hence

RC dv C


dt C

=v S

This isthedifferential equation which models the variation involtageacross thecapacitorwithtime.Here

v C

isthedependentvariableandt istheindependentvariable,

and when we are required to solve this differential equation we must attempt to find

v C

as a function oft.

19.2.1 Order

Differential equations which have features in common are often grouped together and


depend upon the classifications. Someimportantterminology isnow given.

Theorder ofadifferential equation isthe orderofits highestderivative.

Example19.1 State the orderof

(a) d2 y

dx 2 + dy

dx =x



dt = (xt)5

Solution (a) The highest derivative is d2 y

dx2, a second derivative. The order istherefore two.

(b) The only derivative appearing is dx , a first derivative. The order istherefore one.


19.2.2 Linearity

Recall that in a differential equation such as dy

dx +3y =x2 , the independent variable is

x and the dependent variable isy.

Adifferential equation issaidtobelinearif:

(1) the dependent variable and itsderivatives occur tothe first power only,

(2) thereare no products involving the dependent variable with its derivatives, and

(3) there are no non-linear functions of the dependent variable such as sine, exponential,etc.


of terms involving the dependent variable such asy dy is non-linear. Note from (3) that


the existence of termssuch asy 2 , siny and e y causes anequation tobe non-linear.

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