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532 Chapter 18 Taylor polynomials, Taylor series and Maclaurin series


1 Afunction, f (t),and itsfirstand second derivatives (a) Calculatey ′ (1),y ′′ (1)andy (3) (1).


dx + y2

2 =xy y(1)=2 sin(kx)

(c) lim 1 −cos(kx)

are evaluated att = 3. Find the second-order Taylor

polynomial generated by f aboutt = 3.

(b) Statethe third-orderTaylor polynomial generated

byy(x)aboutx = 1.

f(3)=2 f ′ (3)=−1 f ′′ (3)=1 (c) Estimatey(1.25).

2 Afunction,s(t),andits firstderivative are evaluated

att =3;s(3) =4,s ′ (3) = −1.

(a) Find the first-orderTaylor polynomial generated


(b) Estimates(2.9)ands(3.2).

(c) Ifadditionally weknows ′′ (3) = 1, use a

second-order Taylor polynomial to estimate


3 Obtain alinear approximation to

y(t) =at 4 +bt 3 +ct 2 +dt +earoundt =1.

4 Find a quadratic approximation toy =x 3 nearx = 2.

5 Find linear approximations to

8 (a) Findthe third-orderTaylor polynomial generated

byy(x) = e −x aboutx = 1.

(b) Statethe third-ordererror term.

(c) Findan upperbound forthe error termgiven

|x| < 1.

9 (a) Findaquadraticapproximation toy(x) = sin 2 x

aboutx = 0.

(b) Statethe remainder termoforder2.

(c) Statean upper boundforthe remainderterm

given |x| < 0.5.

10 (a) Findacubicapproximation toy(x) =xcosx

aboutx = 0.

(b) Statethe error termoforder3.

(a) z(t) =e t neart =1

(c) Statean upper boundforthe errorterm given

(b) w(t) =sin3t neart =1

|x| < 0.25.

(c) v(t) =e t +sin3tneart =1

6 Thefunction,y(x),satisfiesthe equation

y ′′ +xy ′ −3y=x 2 +1

11 Giventhaty(x) =x 2 ,

(a) Calculate the Taylor seriesofy(x) aboutx =a.

(b) Calculate the Maclaurin series ofy(x).

y(0) =1 y ′ (0) =2

12 Findthe Maclaurinexpansion ofy(x) = ln(2 +x) up

(a) Evaluatey ′′ (0).

to andincluding the terminx 4 .

(b) Differentiate the equation.

(c) Evaluatey (3) (0).

13 Byconsideringthe Maclaurinexpansions ofsin(kx)

andcos(kx),kconstant,evaluate ifpossible

(d) Write down acubic approximation fory(x).


(a) lim

(e) Estimatey(0.5).

x→0 x

7 Given thatysatisfiesthe equation

cos(kx) −1

(b) lim x→0 x



t 2 2 −4t+19 2

2 (a) −t +7 (b) 4.1, 3.8 (c) 4.105, 3.82

3 (4a+3b+2c+d)t−3a−2b−c+e

4 6x 2 −12x+8

5 (a) et (b) −2.97t +3.11

(c) −0.25t +3.11

6 (a) 4 (b) y ′′′ +xy ′′ −2y ′ = 2x

(c) 4 (d) 1+2x+2x 2 + 2 3 x3

(e) 2.5833

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