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524 Chapter 18 Taylor polynomials, Taylor series and Maclaurin series

3 3.435 ×10 −2

4 (a) − t3

16 + t2 2 − 3t

2 +2

(t −2) 4


c 5 whereclies between 2 andt

(c) 0.5

5 (a) 5c(1 +3c)(x −1) 4 forcbetween1andx

(b) 70


We have seen that y and its first n derivatives evaluated at x = a match p n

(x) and its

firstnderivatives evaluated atx = a. We have studied the difference betweeny(x) and

p n

(x), thatisthe errorterm,R n



series,called aTaylorseries. We denotethisinfiniteseries by p(x).

Taylor series:

p(x) =y(a) +y ′ (a)(x −a) +y ′′ (x −a)2



+···+y (n) (x −a)n

(a) +···


+y (3) (x −a)3




for every value ofx. For example, the Taylor series for e x , sinx and cosx equal the

valuesofe x ,sinxandcosxforeveryvalueofx.However,somefunctionshaveaTaylor

series which equals the function only for a limited range of x values. Example 18.14

gives a case of a function which equals its Taylor series only when −1 <x<1.

To determine whether a Taylor series, p(x), is equal to its generating function,y(x),

we need to examine the error term of ordern, that isR n

(x). We examine this error term

as more and more terms are included in the Taylor polynomial, that is as n tends to

infinity. If this error term approaches 0 asnincreases, then the Taylor series equates to

thegeneratingfunction,y(x).Sometimestheerrortermapproaches 0asnincreasesfor

all values ofx, sometimes it approaches 0 only whenxlies in some specified interval,

say, for example, (−1,1). Hence wehave:

IfR n

(x) → 0 asn → ∞ for all values ofx, then the Taylor series, p(x), and the

generatingfunction,y(x), are equal forallvalues ofx.

IfR n

(x) → 0asn → ∞forvaluesofxintheinterval (α,β),thentheTaylor


(α,β). For values ofxoutside the interval (α,β), the values of p(x) andy(x) are


By examining the error terms associated withy = e x ,y = sinx andy = cosx it is

possible to show that these errors all approach 0 asn → ∞ for all values ofx. Hence

the functionsy = e x ,y = sinx andy = cosx are allequal totheircorrespondingTaylor

series forall values ofx.

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