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522 Chapter 18 Taylor polynomials, Taylor series and Maclaurin series

Example18.8 Calculate the error term of order 5 due to y(x) = e x generating a Taylor polynomial

aboutx = 0.

Solution Heren = 5 and son +1 = 6.Inthisexamplea = 0.We see thaty = e x and so

y ′ (x) =y ′′ (x) = ··· =y (5) (x) =y (6) (x) =e x

and soy (6) (c) = e c . The remainder termoforder 5,R 5

(x), isgiven by

R 5

(x) = ec x 6


forsome numbercbetween 0 andx

Example18.9 (a) Calculatethe fourth-orderTaylor polynomial, p 4

(x), generatedbyy(x) = sin2x

aboutx = 0.

(b) State the fourth-order errorterm,R 4


(c) Calculate anupper bound forthis errortermgiven |x| < 1.

(d) Comparey(0.5) and p 4


Solution (a) y(x) =sin2x, y(0) = 0

y ′ (x)=2cos2x, y ′ (0) =2

y ′′ (x)=−4sin2x, y ′′ (0) =0

y (3) (x)=−8cos2x,

y (3) (0) = −8

y (4) (x)=16sin2x, y (4) (0) =0

Thefourth-orderTaylor polynomial, p 4

(x), is

p 4

(x) =y(0) +y ′ (0)x +y ′′ (0) x2

2! +y(3) (0) x3

3! +y(4) (0) x4


=0+2x+0− 8x3

6 +0

=2x− 4x3


(b) Wenotethaty (5) (x) = 32cos2xandsoy (5) (c) = 32cos(2c).Theerrorterm,R 4


isgiven by

R 4

(x) =y (5) (c) x5


= 32cos(2c)x5


= 4

15 cos(2c)x5 wherecisanumber between 0 andx

(c) In order to calculate an upper bound for this error term we note that |cos(2c)| 1

forany value ofc. Hence an upper bound forR 4

(x) isgiven by

|R 4


4x 5


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