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514 Chapter 18 Taylor polynomials, Taylor series and Maclaurin series



p 2

(x) =y(a) −ay ′ (a) + a2

2 y′′ (a)

+{y ′ (a) −ay ′′ (a)}x + y′′ (a)

2 x2

p 2

(x) =y(a) +y ′ (a)(x −a) +y ′′ (x −a)2



p 2

(x) isthesecond-order Taylor polynomialgenerated byyaboutx =a.

Example18.3 Giveny(1) = 0,y ′ (1) = 1,y ′′ (1) = −2,estimate

(a) y(1.5)

(b) y(2)

(c) y(0.5)

usingthe second-order Taylor polynomial.

Solution Thesecond-order Taylor polynomialis p 2


p 2

(x) =y(1) +y ′ (1)(x −1) +y ′′ (x −1)2



(x −1)2

=x−1−2 =x−1−(x−1) 2 =−x 2 +3x−2


We use p 2

(x) as an approximation toy(x).

(a) The value ofy(1.5) isapproximated by p 2


y(1.5) ≈ p 2

(1.5) = 0.25

(b) The value ofy(2) isapproximated by p 2


y(2) ≈ p 2

(2) =0

(c) The value ofy(0.5) isapproximated by p 2


y(0.5) ≈ p 2

(0.5) = −0.75

Example18.4 (a) Calculatethe second-order Taylor polynomial, p 2

(x), generatedby

y(x)=x 3 +x 2 −6aboutx=2.

(b) Verifythaty(2) = p 2

(2),y ′ (2) = p ′ 2 (2)andy′′ (2) = p ′′ 2 (2).

(c) Comparey(2.1) and p 2


Solution (a) We needtocalculatey(2),y ′ (2) andy ′′ (2). Now

and so

y(x)=x 3 +x 2 −6,y ′ (x)=3x 2 +2x,y ′′ (x)=6x+2

y(2) =6,y ′ (2) =16,y ′′ (2) =14

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