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18.3 Second-order Taylor polynomials 513

4 (a) Find alinear approximation, p 1 (t),toh(t) =t 3

aboutt = 2.

(b) Evaluateh(2.3)and p 1 (2.3).

5 (a) Findalinearapproximation, p 1 (t),toR(t) = 1 t

aboutt = 0.5.

(b) EvaluateR(0.7)and p 1 (0.7).


1 (a) p 1 (x)=x+1

(b) p 1 (x) =e 2 (x −1)

(c) p 1 (x) =e −3 (x +4)

2 (a) p 1 (x) =x

(b) p 1 (x) = 0.5403x +0.3012

(c) p 1 (x) = 0.8776x −0.0406

4 (a) p 1 (t) =12t −16

(b) h(2.3) = 12.167,p 1 (2.3) = 11.6

5 (a) p 1 (t) = −4t +4

(b) R(0.7) = 1.4286,p 1 (0.7) = 1.2

3 (a) p 1 (x) =1

(b) p 1 (x) = −0.8415x +1.3818

(c) p 1 (x) = 0.4794x +1.1173


Suppose that in addition to y(a) and y ′ (a), we also have a value of y ′′ (a). With this


approximationtoy(x). Let

p 2

(x) =c 0

+c 1

x+c 2

x 2

We require

p 2

(a) =y(a)

p ′ 2 (a) =y′ (a)

p ′′ 2 (a) =y′′ (a)

thatis,thepolynomialanditsfirsttwoderivativesevaluatedatx =amatchthefunction

and its first two derivatives evaluated atx =a. Hence

p 2

(a) =c 0

+c 1

a +c 2

a 2 =y(a) (18.1)

p ′ 2 (a) =c 1 +2c 2 a =y′ (a) (18.2)

p ′′ 2 (a) = 2c 2 =y′′ (a) (18.3)

Solvingforc 0

,c 1

andc 2


c 2

= y′′ (a)

from Equation (18.3)


c 1

=y ′ (a) −ay ′′ (a) fromEquation (18.2)

c 0

=y(a) −ay ′ (a) + a2

2 y′′ (a) from Equation (18.1)

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