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18.2 Linearization using first-order Taylor polynomials 511

reason, it is not possible to use the principle of superposition when analysing the

network. For example, if the effect of the pressure at S 1

for a given flow rate was

calculatedseparatelyforeachoftheinputstothesystem--thereservoirsR 1

,R 2

,R 3


then the effect of all the reservoirs could not be obtained by adding the individual

effects. It is not possible to obtain a linear model for this system except under very

restrictive conditions and so the analysis of water networks isvery complicated.

Having demonstrated the valueoflinear models itisworthanalysing howand when

a non-linear system can be linearized. The first thing to note is that many systems may


application 10.6. Thereforelinearization involves deciding which components ofasystemarenon-linear,decidingwhetheritwouldbevalidtolinearizethecomponentsand,

ifso, then obtaining linearized models of the components.

Consider again Figure 18.1. Imagine it illustrates a component characteristic. The

actual component characteristic is unimportant for the purposes of this discussion. For

instance, it could be the pressure/flow relationship of a valve or the voltage/current

relationship of an electronic device. The main factor in deciding whether a valid linear

model can be obtained is the range of values over which the component is required to

operate. If an operating point Q were chosen and deviations from this operating point

were small then it is clear from Figure 18.1 that a linear model -- corresponding to the

tangent tothe curve atpointQ-- would be an appropriate model.

Obtaining a linear model is relatively straightforward. It consists of calculating the

first-order Taylor polynomial centred around the operating point Q.This isgiven by

p 1

(x) =y(a) +y ′ (a)(x −a)

Then p 1


isvalidprovidedthatitisonlyusedforvaluesofxsuchthat |x−a|issufficientlysmall.

Asstated, p 1


values for which the model is valid depends on the curvature of the characteristic and

the accuracy required.



The power dissipated in a resistor varies with the current. Derive a linear model for


of 10 .


For a resistor


P=I 2 R

P = power dissipated (W)

I = current (A)

R = resistance ().

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