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18.2 Linearization using first-order Taylor polynomials 509

This is the first-order Taylor polynomial. We see that the first-order Taylor polynomial

issimplythe equation of the tangent toy(x) wherex =a.

Clearly,forvaluesofxneartox =athevalueofp 1

(x)willbeneartoy(x);p 1


linearapproximationtoy(x).Intheneighbourhoodofx =a,p 1


y(x), but being linear isamuch easier function todeal with.

Example18.1 Afunction,y, and its first derivative areevaluated atx = 2.

y(2)=1 y ′ (2)=3

(a) State the first-order Taylor polynomial generated byyatx = 2.

(b) Estimatey(2.5).

Solution (a) p 1

(x) =y(2) +y ′ (2)(x −2) =1+3(x −2) = −5 +3x

(b) We use the first-order Taylor polynomial toestimatey(2.5):

p 1

(2.5) = −5 +3(2.5) = 2.5

Hence,y(2.5) ≈ 2.5.

Example18.2 Find a linear approximation toy(t) =t 2 neart = 3.

Solution We require the equation of the tangent toy = t 2 att = 3, that is the first-order Taylor

polynomial aboutt = 3.Note thaty(3) = 9 andy ′ (3) = 6.

p 1

(t) =y(a) +y ′ (a)(t −a) =y(3) +y ′ (3)(t −3)



Att = 3, p 1

(t) and y(t) have an identical value. Near tot = 3, p 1

(t) and y(t) have

similarvalues, forexample p 1

(2.8) = 7.8,y(2.8) = 7.84.

18.2.1 Linearization

It is a frequent requirement in engineering to obtain a linear mathematical model of a




of inputs u 1

(t) and u 2

(t) to the system produces outputs y 1

(t) and y 2

(t), respectively,

thentheapplicationofaninputu 1

(t) +u 2

(t)willproduceanoutputy 1

(t) +y 2


isonly trueforlinear systems.

The value of this principle is that the effect of several inputs to a system can be calculated

merely by adding together the effects of the individual inputs. This allows the

effect of simple individual inputs to the system to be analysed and then combined to

evaluate the effect of more complicated combinations of inputs. A few examples will

help clarifythese points.

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