

494 Chapter 16 Further topics in integrationREVIEWEXERCISES161 Show f (x) =x n andg(x) =x m areorthogonalon[−k,k] ifn +mis an odd number.2 Show f (t) = sint andg(t) = cost are orthogonal on[a,a +nπ].3 Show f (t) = sinht andg(t) = cosht are orthogonalover [−k,k].4 Determine the values ofkforwhich ∫ ∞0 t k dt exists.5 Evaluate ifpossible∫ ∞(a) u(t)dt∫0∞(b) e −1000t dt−∞∫ 0 1(c)−2 x +1 dx∫ ∞(d) u(t)e −t dt−∞∫ 2 1(e)−2 x 2 −1 dx(Note thatu(t)is the unitstepfunction.)6 Find the values ofkforwhich ∫ ∞0 e kt dt exists.7 Evaluate∫ ∞(a) (t 2 +1)δ(t −1)dt−∞∫ ∞(b) te t δ(t −2)dt−∞∫ ∞(c) (t 2 +t +2)δ(t −1)dt−∞∫ ∞ δ(t +2)(d)−∞ t 2 +1 dt∫ ∞(e) δ(t +1)δ(t +2)dt−∞8 (a) Evaluate∫ ∞(t 2 +1)δ(2t)dt−∞[Hint: substitutez = 2t.](b) Show∫ ∞f(t)δ(nt)dt = 1 f(0), n>0−∞ n9 Evaluate∫ ∞(a) (1+t)δ(t −2)dt0∫ ∞(b) tδ(1+t)dt−∞∫ ∞(c) (1+t)δ(−t)dt−∞∫ 0(d) δ(t−6)+δ(t+6)dt−∞∫ 4k(e) δ(t +k)+δ(t +3k)+δ(t +5k)dt−2kk > 010 Thefunctiong(t)ispiecewise continuous anddefined by{ 2t 0t1g(t) =3 1<t2Evaluate∫ 1(a) g(t)dt0∫ 1.5(b) g(t)dt0∫ 1.7(c) g(t)dt0.5∫ 2(d) g(t)dt1∫ 1.5(e) g(t)dt1.311 Given⎧⎨1+t −1t<3f(t)= t−1 3t4⎩0 otherwiseevaluate∫ 2(a) f(t)dt−1∫ 4(b) f(t)dt−1∫ 5(c) f(t)dt0∫ ∞(d) f(t)δ(t −2)dt−∞∫ ∞(e) f(t)u(t)dt−∞

Review exercises 16 49512 Given14 Given⎧⎨t 2 v(t) =2ti+(3−t 2 )j+t 3 k−2t2h(t) = t⎩3 find2<t3∫ 14 3<t5(a) vdt0evaluate∫∫ 22(b) vdt(a) h(t)dt1−1∫∫ 22.5(c) vdt(b) h(t)dt00∫ 415 Evaluate the following integrals:(c) h(t)+1dt∫23∫ 4(a) |t|dt−1(d) h(t +1)dt∫02∫ 2(b) |t+2|dt−3(e) h(2t)dt∫−1213 Ifa =ti−2tj+3tk,find ∫ 10 adt. (c) |3t −1|dt0Solutions4 k<−15 (a) does notexist(b) does notexist(c) does notexist(d) 1(e) does notexist6 k<07 (a) 2 (b) 14.7781 (c) 4(d) 0.2 (e) 08 (a) 1 29 (a) 3 (b) −1 (c) 1(d) 1 (e) 1510 (a) 1 (b)2(d) 3 (e) 0.6(c) 2.8511 (a) 4.5 (b) 10.5 (c) 10(d) 3 (e) 1012 (a) 3(b) 8.4323(c) 22.25(d) 26.5833(e) 12.791713 0.5i −j+1.5k14 (a) i+ 8 3 j + 1 4 k(b) 3i + 2 3 j + 154 k(c) 4i + 103 j+4k15 (a) 5 (b) 8.5 (c)133

494 Chapter 16 Further topics in integration


1 Show f (x) =x n andg(x) =x m areorthogonalon

[−k,k] ifn +mis an odd number.

2 Show f (t) = sint andg(t) = cost are orthogonal on

[a,a +nπ].

3 Show f (t) = sinht andg(t) = cosht are orthogonal

over [−k,k].

4 Determine the values ofkforwhich ∫ ∞

0 t k dt exists.

5 Evaluate ifpossible

∫ ∞

(a) u(t)dt


(b) e −1000t dt


∫ 0 1


−2 x +1 dx

∫ ∞

(d) u(t)e −t dt


∫ 2 1


−2 x 2 −1 dx

(Note thatu(t)is the unitstepfunction.)

6 Find the values ofkforwhich ∫ ∞

0 e kt dt exists.

7 Evaluate

∫ ∞

(a) (t 2 +1)δ(t −1)dt


∫ ∞

(b) te t δ(t −2)dt


∫ ∞

(c) (t 2 +t +2)δ(t −1)dt


∫ ∞ δ(t +2)


−∞ t 2 +1 dt

∫ ∞

(e) δ(t +1)δ(t +2)dt


8 (a) Evaluate

∫ ∞

(t 2 +1)δ(2t)dt


[Hint: substitutez = 2t.]

(b) Show

∫ ∞

f(t)δ(nt)dt = 1 f(0), n>0

−∞ n

9 Evaluate

∫ ∞

(a) (1+t)δ(t −2)dt


∫ ∞

(b) tδ(1+t)dt


∫ ∞

(c) (1+t)δ(−t)dt


∫ 0

(d) δ(t−6)+δ(t+6)dt


∫ 4k

(e) δ(t +k)+δ(t +3k)+δ(t +5k)dt


k > 0

10 Thefunctiong(t)ispiecewise continuous and

defined by

{ 2t 0t1

g(t) =

3 1<t2


∫ 1

(a) g(t)dt


∫ 1.5

(b) g(t)dt


∫ 1.7

(c) g(t)dt


∫ 2

(d) g(t)dt


∫ 1.5

(e) g(t)dt


11 Given

⎨1+t −1t<3

f(t)= t−1 3t4

0 otherwise


∫ 2

(a) f(t)dt


∫ 4

(b) f(t)dt


∫ 5

(c) f(t)dt


∫ ∞

(d) f(t)δ(t −2)dt


∫ ∞

(e) f(t)u(t)dt


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