

476 Chapter 15 Applications of integrationExample15.4 Calculate the r.m.s.value of f (t) =Asin(ωt + φ) across [0,2π/ω].√ ∫ 2π/ωA0Solution 2 sin 2 (ωt + φ)dtr.m.s. =2π/ω√∫A=2 ω 2π/ω1−cos2(ωt +φ)dt4π 0√[]A=2 ω sin2(ωt + φ) 2π/ωt −4π 2ω0=√(A 2 ω 2π4π ω−sin2(2π + φ)2ω+ sin2φ )2ωNow sin2(2π + φ) = sin(4π + 2φ) and since sin(t + φ) has period 2π we see thatsin(4π +2φ) = sin2φ. Hence,√ √A2 ω 2π Ar.m.s. =4π ω = 22 = √ A = 0.707A2Notethatsin(ωt + φ)hasperiod2π/ω.TheresultofExample15.4illustratesageneralresult:The r.m.s. value of any sinusoidal waveform taken across an interval of length oneperiodis0.707 ×amplitudeofthe waveformRoot mean square value is an effective measure of the energy transfer capability of atime-varyingelectricalcurrent.Toseewhythisisso,considerthefollowingEngineeringapplication.Engineeringapplication15.3Average power developed across a resistor by a time-varyingcurrentConsideracurrenti(t)whichdevelopsapowerp(t)inaloadresistorR.Thiscurrentflowsfromtimet =t 1totimet =t 2.LetP avbetheaveragepowerdissipatedbytheresistor during the time interval [ ]t 1,t 2 . We require that total energy transfer,E,bethe same inboth cases. So wehaveE =P av(t 2−t 1)=∫ t2t 1p(t)dt

15.3 Root mean square value of a function 477Nowand sop(t) = (i(t)) 2 RP av(t 2−t 1)=∫ t2t 1i 2 RdtIfwenowconsidertheaveragepowerdissipatedbytheresistortobetheresultofaneffective currentI effthen wehaveI 2 eff R(t 2 −t 1 )= ∫ t2I 2 eff (t 2 −t 1 )= ∫ t2t 1i 2 Rdtt 1i 2 dt∫ t2i 2 dtI 2 eff = t 1t 2−t 1∫ t2√it 2 dtI eff=1t 2−t 1We see that the equivalent direct current is the r.m.s. value of the time-varyingcurrent.Engineeringapplication15.4Averagevalueandr.m.s.valueofaperiodicwaveformConsider the periodicwaveform shown inFigure 15.5.Thecurrenti(t) isi(t) =20e −t 0 t <10, period T =10(a) Calculate the average valueofthe currentover a complete period.(b) Calculate the r.m.s. valueofthe currentover a complete period.i(t)200 10 2030 tFigure15.5Waveform forEngineering application15.4.➔

15.3 Root mean square value of a function 477


and so

p(t) = (i(t)) 2 R

P av

(t 2

−t 1


∫ t2

t 1

i 2 Rdt


effective currentI eff

then wehave

I 2 eff R(t 2 −t 1 )= ∫ t2

I 2 eff (t 2 −t 1 )= ∫ t2

t 1

i 2 Rdt

t 1

i 2 dt

∫ t2

i 2 dt

I 2 eff = t 1

t 2

−t 1

∫ t2


t 2 dt

I eff



t 2

−t 1

We see that the equivalent direct current is the r.m.s. value of the time-varying




Consider the periodicwaveform shown inFigure 15.5.

Thecurrenti(t) is

i(t) =20e −t 0 t <10, period T =10

(a) Calculate the average valueofthe currentover a complete period.

(b) Calculate the r.m.s. valueofthe currentover a complete period.



0 10 20

30 t


Waveform forEngineering application


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