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13 Integration

Contents 13.1 Introduction 428

13.2 Elementaryintegration 429

13.3 Definiteandindefiniteintegrals 442

Reviewexercises13 453


When a function, f (x), is known we can differentiate it to obtain the derivative, df

dx .

Thereverseprocessistoobtainthefunction f (x)fromknowledgeofitsderivative.This

process iscalledintegration. Thus,integration isthe reverse of differentiation.

A problem related to integration is to find the area between a curve and thexaxis.

At first sight it may not be clear that the calculation of area is connected to integration.

This chapter aims to explain the connection. An area can have various interpretations.

For example, the area under a graph of power used by a motor plotted against time


a graph of current flow into a capacitor against time represents the total charge stored

by the capacitor.

Circuits to carry out integration are used extensively in electronics. For example, a


may integrate this signal to give the distance travelled as output. Integrator circuits are

widely used in analogue computers. These computers can be used to model a physical

system and observe its response to a range of inputs. The advantage of this approach is



be explored relatively quickly and cheaply by an engineer.

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