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12.5 Differentiation of vectors 423


calculator. Doing so gives

V 5

= 0.6895,...,V 10

= 0.5770,...,V 14

= 0.5650

which is accurate tofourdecimal places.


the diode using the two different expressions. So,

I = 10 −14 (e 40×0.5650 −1) = 6.53 ×10 −5 A

I = − 0.5650

2.2 ×10 + 2

4 2.2 ×10 = 6.53 4 ×10−5 A

and therefore the solution iscorrect.


1 Usethe Newton--Raphson technique to findthe value

ofarootofthe following equations correctto two

decimalplaces. An approximateroot,x 1 ,isgiven in


(a)2cosx=x 2 x 1 =0.8

(b)3x 3 −4x 2 +2x−9=0 x 1 =2

(c)e x/2 −5x=0 x 1 =6

(d)lnx= 1 x

x 1 = 1.6

(e)sinx + 2x

π =1 x 1 =0.6

2 Explain circumstances in whichthe Newton--Raphson

technique mayfail to converge to arootof f (x) = 0.


1 (a) 1.02 (b) 1.85 (c) 7.15 (d) 1.76 (e) 0.64


Consider Figure 12.16. If r represents the position vector of an object and that object

moves along a curve C, then the position vector will be dependent upon the time,t. We

writer = r(t)toshowthedependenceupontime.Supposethattheobjectisatthepoint

P with position vector r at timet and at the point Q with position vector r(t + δt) at

the later timet + δt as shown in Figure 12.17. Then PQ ⃗ represents the displacement

vectoroftheobjectduringtheintervaloftime δt.Thelengthofthedisplacementvector

represents the distance travelled while its direction gives the direction of motion. The

average velocity during the time fromt tot + δt is the displacement vector divided by

the time interval δt, thatis


average velocity = ⃗ r(t +δt)−r(t)


δt δt

The instantaneous velocity,v, isgiven by

r(t +δt)−r(t)


= dr

δt→0 δt dt

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