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422 Chapter 12 Applications of differentiation






V s —R

V s

V s V

Point at which both

the diode and the

resistor equations

are satisfied




Asimple non-linear circuit: (a)seriesdiode--resistorcircuit;(b)resistorload line

superimposed on diode characteristic.


There are several ways to solve this problem. A difficulty exists because the diode

I--V relationship is non-linear. One possibility is to draw a load line for the resistor

superimposedonthediodeI--V characteristic,asshowninFigure12.15(b).Theload


the diode,V, and the current through the diode,I. Itisgiven by

V s


I = − 1 R V +V s


This is a straight line with slope − 1 R and vertical intercept V s

.WhenV =0,I=




. This corresponds to all of the supply voltage being dropped across the resistor.


WhenV = V s

,I = 0. This corresponds to all of the supply voltage being dropped

across the diode. Therefore, these two limits correspond to the points within which

the circuit must operate. The solution to the circuit can be obtained by determining

the intercept of the diode characteristic and the load line. This is possible because

both the resistor characteristic and diode characteristic are formulated in terms ofV

andI,andsoanysolutionmusthavethesamevaluesofI andV forbothcomponents.

If an accurate graph is used, it is possible to obtain a reasonably good solution. An

alternative approach is to use the Newton--Raphson technique. Combining the two

component equations gives

−V +V s

=RI s

(e 40V −1)

NowR =2.2×10 4 ,I s

=10 −14 ,V s


−V +2 = 2.2 ×10 4 ×10 −14 (e 40V −1)

Now, define f (V) by

f(V)=2.2×10 −10 (e 40V −1)+V −2

We wishtosolve f (V) = 0.We have

f ′ (V ) = 2.2 ×10 −10 ×40e 40V +1 = 8.8 ×10 −9 e 40V +1

Choose aninitial guess ofV 1

= 0.5:

V 2

=V 1

− f(V 1 )

f ′ (V 1

) =0.5−2.2 ×10−10 (e 20 −1) +0.5 −2

= 0.7644

8.8 ×10 −9 e 20 +1

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