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12.4 The Newton--Raphson method for solving equations 421


takingx 1

= 2.73 asthe initial approximation:

x 1

= 2.73 f(x 1

) = 0.441 f ′ (x 1

) = 11.439

x 2

= 2.73 − 0.441

11.439 = 2.691

An improved estimateisx = 2.69 (2d.p.). The method isused again:


x 1

= 2.69 f (x 1

) = −0.007 f ′ (x 1

) = 10.948

x 2

= 2.69 − (−0.007)

10.948 = 2.691


rootof f(x) =0isx =2.69.

The calculation can be performed inMATLAB ® usingtherootsfunction:

roots([1 -2 0 -5])

which will produce the real root of 2.69, agreeing with our numerical calculation using

the Newton–Raphson method. The two complex roots of the equation will also be returned.Technicalcomputinglanguagesmakeuseofavarietyofnumericalmethodsand

to some extent the user has to take it on trust that they are correctly implemented and

testedso thatthey always produce the correctresult.

Theprevious examples illustrate the generalNewton--Raphson formula.

Ifx = x n

is an approximate root of f (x) = 0, then an improved estimate,x n+1

, is

given by

x n+1

=x n

− f(x n )

f ′ (x n



is usually conditional upon |x n+1

−x n

| being smaller than some prescribed very small

value. This condition shows that successive approximate roots are very close to each




Consider the circuit of Figure 12.15(a). A diode is in series with a resistor with resistanceR.ThevoltageacrossthediodeisdenotedbyV


diode is denoted byI. TheI--V relationship for the diode is non-linear and is given


I =I s

(e 40V −1)

where I s

is the reverse saturation current of the diode. Given that the supply voltage,V


,is2V,I s

is10 −14 AandRis22k,calculatethesteady-statevaluesofIandV.

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