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420 Chapter 12 Applications of differentiation

Using the Newton--Raphson technique the value ofx 2


x 2

=x 1

− f(x 1 )

f ′ (x 1

) =7.5−(−723) = 8.41


An improved estimate of the root of e x − 6x 3 = 0 isx = 8.41. To two decimal places

the trueanswer isx = 8.05.

The Newton--Raphson technique can be used repeatedly as illustrated in


tothe required root. Eachapplication ofthe methodisknown asan iteration.

Example12.7 A root of 3sinx = x is near to x = 2.5. Use two iterations of the Newton--Raphson

technique tofind a more accurateapproximation.

Solution Theequation mustfirst bewritten inthe form f (x) = 0,thatis




x 1

= 2.5

f(x)=3sinx−x f(x 1


f ′ (x)=3cosx−1 f ′ (x 1

) = −3.403

x 2

=2.5− (−0.705)

(−3.403) = 2.293

The process isrepeated withx 1

= 2.293 as the initial approximation:


x 1

= 2.293 f (x 1

) = −0.042 f ′ (x 1

) = −2.983

x 2

= 2.293 − (−0.042)

(−2.983) = 2.279

Using two iterations of the Newton--Raphson technique, we obtainx = 2.28 as an improved

estimateof the root.

Example12.8 An approximaterootof

Solution We have

x 3 −2x 2 −5=0

isx = 3. By using the Newton--Raphson technique repeatedly, determine the value of

the rootcorrecttotwo decimalplaces.


x 1


f(x)=x 3 −2x 2 −5 f(x 1


f ′ (x)=3x 2 −4x f ′ (x 1


x 2

=3− 4

15 = 2.733

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