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24 Chapter 1 Review of algebraic techniques


x 2 −2x+0.5=(x−1) 2 −1+0.5

=(x−1) 2 −0.5

Finally, solvingx 2 −2x +0.5 = 0 we have

(x−1) 2 −0.5=0

(x −1) 2 = 0.5

x−1=± √ 0.5

x=1± √ 0.5 = 0.2929,1.7071

1.4.2 Polynomialequationsofhigherdegree

Example1.23 Verifythatx = 1 andx = 2 areroots of

P(x)=x 4 −2x 3 −x+2=0

Solution P(x) =x 4 −2x 3 −x +2


P(2)=2 4 −2(2 3 )−2+2=16−16−2+2=0

SinceP(1) = 0 andP(2) = 0, thenx = 1 andx = 2 are roots of the given polynomial

equation and are sometimes referred to as real roots. Further knowledge is required to

find the two remainingroots,whichareknown as complex roots. This topiciscovered


Example1.24 Solve the equation

P(x)=x 3 +2x 2 −37x+52=0

Solution AsseeninExample1.21aformulacanbeusedtosolvequadraticequations.Forhigher

degree polynomial equations such simple formulae do not always exist. However, if

one of the roots can be found by inspection we can proceed as follows. By inspection

P(4) = 4 3 +2(4) 2 −37(4) +52 = 0sothatx = 4isaroot.Hencex−4isafactorof

P(x). ThereforeP(x) can bewritten as

P(x)=x 3 +2x 2 −37x+52=(x−4)(x 2 +αx+β)

where α and β mustnow befound.Expanding the r.h.s.gives


P(x)=x 3 +αx 2 +βx−4x 2 −4αx−4β

x 3 +2x 2 −37x+52=x 3 +(α−4)x 2 +(β−4α)x−4β

Bycomparingconstanttermson the l.h.s. and r.h.s.wesee that

52 = −4β

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