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12.3 Points of inflexion 415


1 (a)

( 1

2 ,53 4)


(b) (−0.75,−0.125),minimum

(c) none

(d) (0.25,1.125),maximum

(e) (2,−16) minimum, (−2,16) maximum

(f) none

2 (a)


2, 23 ) (

maximum, 4, 19 )


3 3

(b) (1,0.368),maximum

(c) (0,0) maximum, (1,−1) minimum, (−1,−1)



Computerlanguagessuch asMATLAB ® are matrix

orientatedanddonotalways providethe ability to

differentiate functions.Others such asWolfram

Mathematica andMaplesoftMaple have thiscapability by

default. Ifyou are attempting the followingexercisesin

MATLAB ® you mayrequire the Symbolic Math Toolbox

whichis an add-on forthe main program.

(a) Useatechnicalcomputinglanguagetofindy ′ and

y ′′ wheny = e −0.2t cost.

(b) Solvey ′ = 0 andhence locate any turningpoints

in the interval [0,6]anddeterminetheirtype.

(c) Plotagraphofyandcheck the position of

the turningpointswith the resultsobtainedin

part (b).


Recall from Section 11.4 that when the gradient of a curve, that is y ′ , is increasing,

the second derivative y ′′ is positive and the curve is said to be concave up. When the

gradient is decreasing the second derivative y ′′ is negative and the curve is said to be

concave down. A point at which the concavity of a curve changes from concave up to

concave down orviceversa iscalled a point ofinflexion.


up to concave down or vice versa. It follows that y ′′ = 0 at such a point or, in

exceptionalcases,y ′′ doesnotexist.

Figure 12.10(a) shows a graph for which a point of inflexion occurs at the point


a graph with points of inflexion occurring at A and B. Note that at these points the

gradientofthe graph isnotzero.

Tolocateapointofinflexionwemustlookforapointwherey ′′ = 0ordoesnotexist.

We mustthenexamine the concavity ofthe curve oneither sideofsuchapoint.

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