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12.2 Maximum points and minimum points 411

is a minimum. At x = −2, y ′′ = −3 which is negative and so the point is a

maximum. ⎧

⎪⎨ −1 t<0

(d) y ′ = 1 t>0


undefined att = 0

Since y ′ (0) is undefined, we use the first-derivative test. This was employed in

Example 12.1.



Consider the electrical system illustrated in Figure 12.7. The input voltage, v i

, is

appliedtoterminalsa--b.Theoutputfromthesystemisavoltage, v o


the terminals c--d. The easiest way to determine the time response of this system to

a particular input istouse the technique of Laplace transforms (seeChapter 21).

When a step input is applied to the system, the general form of the response dependsonwhetheraquantitycalledthedampingratio,

ζ,issuchthat ζ > 1,ζ = 1or

ζ < 1.Thequantity ζ itselfdependsuponthevaluesofL,CandR.Thisisillustrated

inFigure12.8.Ifthedampingratio, ζ < 1,then v o


systemissaidtobe underdamped. For thiscase itcan beshown that


v o

=U −Ue −αt cos(βt)+ αsin(βt) )

for t > 0 (12.1)


whereU isthe height ofastepinputapplied att = 0,and

α = R 2L


ω r

= 1 √


resonant frequency (12.3)

β =

ωr 2 − α2 naturalfrequency (12.4)

Engineers are often interested in knowing how quickly a system will respond to a

particular input. For many systems this is an important design criterion. One way of


reach a certain level in response to a step input. This is known as the rise time and

is often defined as the time taken for the output to rise from 10% to 90% of its final


is clear that the time,t m

, required for the output to reach its maximum value would

also provide an indicator of system response time. As the derivative of a function is

zero atamaximum point itispossible tocalculate thistime.

Differentiating Equation (12.1) and usingthe product rule,

dv o


= d dt

( (U −Ue −αt cos(βt)+ αsin(βt)



( ) e −αt αsin(βt)

t > 0

=0−U d dt (e−αt cos(βt)) −U d dt


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