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398 Chapter 11 Techniques of differentiation



dy 2

dt =y t − 8 )

1 −t

Finally, replacingybyt 2 (1 −t) 8 wehave


dy 2

dt =t2 (1−t) 8 t − 8 )

1 −t

Example11.16 Given

find dy

dx .

y =x 3 (1+x) 9 e 6x

Solution Theproductrulecouldbeused.However,wewilluselogarithmicdifferentiation.Taking

the natural logarithm of the equation and applying the laws of logarithms produces

lny = ln(x 3 (1 +x) 9 e 6x ) =lnx 3 +ln(1 +x) 9 +lne 6x


This equation isnow differentiated:

and so


y dx = 3 x + 9

1 +x +6


dy 3

dx =y x + 9 )

1 +x +6

= 3x 2 (1 +x) 9 e 6x +9x 3 (1 +x) 8 e 6x +6x 3 (1 +x) 9 e 6x

Example11.17 Ify = √ 1 +t 2 sin 2 t findy ′ .

Solution Taking logarithms we find

lny=ln( √ 1 +t 2 sin 2 t)

= ln √ 1 +t 2 +ln(sin 2 t)

= 1 2 ln(1 +t2 )+2ln(sint)

Differentiation yields


y y′ = 1 2t

21 +t +2cost 2 sint

( ) t

y ′ =y

1 +t +2cott 2

= √ 1 +t 2 sin 2 t

( t

1 +t 2 +2cott )

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