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20 Chapter 1 Review of algebraic techniques

Inthe same way the binary equivalent ofthe decimal

number 0.5is 0.1.

5 (a) 91 16 =145 10 (b)6C =108 (c)2587 (d)63956

(e) 43981

6 (a) 160 10 = A0 (b)18C (c) 1392 (d)61A8

(e) F4240

7 (a)15 (b)255 (c)4095 (d)65535 (e)16 N −1

8 (a)101110111 2 (b)001101110101 bcd

9 (a)7F (b)157


Apolynomial equationhas the form

P(x) =a n

x n +a n−1

x n−1 +a n−2

x n−2 + ··· +a 2

x 2 +a 1

x +a 0

=0 (1.4)

where n is a positive whole number, a n

, a n−1

,...,a 0

are constants and x is a

variable. The constants a n

, a n−1

,...,a 2

, a 1

, a 0

are called the coefficients of the


The roots of an equation are those values ofxwhich satisfyP(x) = 0. So ifx =x 1

is a

rootthenP(x 1

) = 0.

Examples of polynomial equations are

7x 2 +4x−1=0 (1.5)

2x−3=0 (1.6)

x 3 −20=0 (1.7)


Equation (1.6) has degree 1 and Equation (1.7) has degree 3. A polynomial equation of




Equation Degree Name

ax+b=0 1 Linear

ax 2 +bx +c = 0 2 Quadratic

ax 3 +bx 2 +cx+d=0 3 Cubic

ax 4 +bx 3 +cx 2 +dx +e =0 4 Quartic

1.4.1 Quadraticequations


isax 2 +bx +c = 0.We look atthreemethods of solvingquadratic equations:

(1) factorization,

(2) use of a formula,

(3) completing the square.

Example 1.20 illustratessolution by factorization.

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