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10.2 Graphical approach to differentiation 357

y (t)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 t



change over different regionsoft.


Differentiation is concerned with the rate at which a function is changing, rather than

the actual change itself. We can explore the rate of change of a function by examining

Figure 10.1. There are several regions to this curve corresponding to different intervals

oft. In the interval [0, 5] the function does not change at all. The rate of change of y

is zero. Fromt = 5 tot = 7 the function increases slightly. Thus the rate of change of

y ast increases is small. Sinceyis increasing, the rate of change ofyis positive. From

t = 7 tot = 8 there is a rapid rise in the value of the function. The rate of change ofy

islargeandpositive.Fromt = 8tot = 9thevalueofydecreasesveryrapidly.Therate

ofchangeofyislargeandnegative.Finallyfromt = 9tot = 12thefunctiondecreases

slightly. Thus the rate ofchangeofyissmalland negative.

The aim of differential calculus is to specify the rate of change of a function precisely.Itisnotsufficienttosay‘therateofchangeofafunctionislarge’.Werequirean


introduce two conceptsconcerningthe rate ofchangeofafunction.

10.2.1 Averagerateofchangeofafunctionacrossaninterval

ConsiderFigure10.2.Whent =t 1

,thefunctionhasavaluey(t 1


on the curve. Whent =t 2

, the function has a value ofy(t 2

). This point is denoted by B

on the curve. The function changes by an amounty(t 2

) −y(t 1

) over the interval [t 1

,t 2


Thusthe average rate ofchangeofthe function over the intervalis


change int = y(t 2 ) −y(t 1 )

t 2

−t 1

The straight line joining A and B is known as a chord. Graphically,y(t 2

) −y(t 1

) is the

verticaldistanceandt 2

−t 1


of the chord AB isgiven by


AC = y(t 2 ) −y(t 1 )

t 2

−t 1


negative orzero gradients as shown inFigure 10.3.

Thus the gradient of the chord AB corresponds to the average rate of change of the

function between Aand B. To summarize:


ofthe chord AB.

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