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350 Chapter 9 Complex numbers

Example9.22 Show thatcos 2 θ = 1 (cos2θ +1).


Solution The formulae obtained in Example 9.21 allow us to obtain expressions for powers of

cosθ andsinθ.Since2cosθ =z+ 1 , squaring both sides wehave



2 2 cos 2 θ = z + 1 ) 2

=z 2 +2+ 1 z z 2


(z 2 + 1 )


z 2

Butz 2 + 1 z =2cos2θ,so 2

2 2 cos 2 θ =2cos2θ+2

and therefore,

cos 2 θ = 1 2 cos2θ + 1 2

as required.

= 1 (cos2θ +1)



1 Express (cos θ +jsinθ) 9 and (cos θ +jsinθ) 1/2 in

the formcosnθ +jsinnθ.

2 UseDeMoivre’stheoremto simplify

(a) (cos3θ +jsin3θ)(cos4θ +jsin4θ)

cos8θ +jsin8θ


cos2θ −jsin2θ

3 Solve the equations

(a) z 3 +1=0

(b) z 4 =1+j

4 Find 3 √ 2 +2j and displayyoursolutionsonan

Argand diagram.

5 Prove the following trigonometricidentities:

(a) cos4θ =8cos 4 θ−8cos 2 θ+1

(b) 32sin 6 θ = 10 −15cos2θ +6cos4θ −cos6θ

6 Solvethe equationz 4 +25 = 0.

7 Findthe fifthrootsofjanddepictyoursolutionson

an Arganddiagram.

8 Show thatcos 3 θ = 1 (cos3θ +3cosθ).


9 Show thatsin 4 θ = 1 (cos4θ −4cos2θ +3).


10 Expresscos5θ in termsofpowers ofcos θ.

11 Expresssin5θ in terms ofpowersofsin θ.

12 Given e jθ = cos θ +jsin θ,proveDeMoivre’s

theoremin the form

(e jθ ) n =cosnθ+jsinnθ


1 cos9θ +jsin 9θ,cos(θ/2) +jsin(θ/2)

2 (a) cos 7θ +jsin 7θ

(b) cos 10θ +j sin 10θ

3 (a)1̸ π/3 +2nπ/3 n = 0,1,2

(b) 2 1/8̸ π/16 +nπ/2 n = 0,1,2,3

4 8 1/6̸ π/12 +2nπ/3 n = 0,1,2

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