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9.9 De Moivre’s theorem 349

Now, writing sin 2 θ = 1 −cos 2 θ in Equation (9.10) and cos 2 θ = 1 −sin 2 θ in Equation


cos3θ =cos 3 θ −3cosθ(1−cos 2 θ)

=cos 3 θ+3cos 3 θ−3cosθ

=4cos 3 θ−3cosθ

sin3θ = 3(1 −sin 2 θ)sinθ −sin 3 θ

as required.

=3sinθ−4sin 3 θ

This technique allows trigonometric functions of multiples of angles to be expressed

in terms of powers. Sometimes we want to carry out the reverse process and express a

power interms ofmultiple angles. Consider Example 9.21.

Example9.21 Ifz = cos θ +jsin θ show that

z + 1 z =2cosθ

z−1 z =2jsinθ

and find similarexpressions forz n + 1 z n andzn − 1 z n.

Solution Consider the complex number


UsingDe Moivre’s theorem,


z =z−1 = (cosθ +jsinθ) −1 = cos(−θ) +jsin(−θ)

Butcos(−θ) = cosθ andsin(−θ) = −sinθ,sothatifz = cosθ +jsinθ


z =cosθ−jsinθ


z + 1 z =2cosθ and z−1 z =2jsinθ


so that

z n = cosnθ +jsinnθ and z −n = cosnθ −jsinnθ

z n + 1 z n =2cosnθ and zn − 1 z n = 2jsinnθ

z n + 1 z n =2cosnθ and zn − 1 z n = 2jsinnθ

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