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which isclearly true,and the theorem holds. Whenn = 2,wefind

(cosθ +jsinθ) 2 = (cosθ +jsinθ)(cosθ +jsinθ)

=cos 2 θ+jsinθcosθ+jcosθsinθ+j 2 sin 2 θ

=cos 2 θ −sin 2 θ +j(2sinθcosθ)

9.9 De Moivre’s theorem 345

Recallingthetrigonometricidentitiescos2θ = cos 2 θ − sin 2 θ andsin2θ = 2sin θ cos θ,

wecan write the previous expression as

cos2θ +jsin2θ


(cosθ +jsinθ) 2 =cos2θ +jsin2θ

and DeMoivre’s theorem has been verified whenn = 2.

The theorem also holds whennis a rational number, that isn = p/q where pandqare

integers.Thus wehave

(cosθ +jsinθ) p/q =cos p q θ+jsinp q θ

Inthisform itcan be used toobtain roots of complex numbers. For example,


cosθ +jsinθ =(cosθ +jsinθ) 1/3 =cos 1 3 θ+jsin1 3 θ


can be found as illustratedinExample 9.18.

De Moivre’s theorem is particularly important for the solution of certain types of


Example9.18 Findallcomplex numberszwhich satisfy

z 3 =1 (9.9)

Solution The solution of this equation is equivalent to finding the solutions ofz = 1 1/3 ; that is,

findingthecuberootsof1.Sinceweareallowingztobecomplex,thatisz ∈ C,wecan



Then,usingDeMoivre’s theorem,

z 3 =r 3 (cosθ +jsinθ) 3

=r 3 (cos3θ +jsin3θ)


shows the number1 = 1 +0jon anArgand diagram.

From the Argand diagram we see that its modulus is 1 and its argument is 0, or possibly

±2π, ±4π,..., thatis2nπ wheren ∈ Z.Consequently, wecan write

1 =1(cos2nπ +jsin2nπ) n ∈ Z

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