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9.8 Phasors 341

example, in the case of a current signal, Irms 2 R is the average power dissipated by the

sinusoidIcos(ωt +φ)inaresistorR.Forthecaseofasinusoidalsignalther.m.s.value

ofthesignalis1/ √ 2timesthepeakvalueofthesignal(seeSection15.3,Example15.4,

foraproof of this).We will not adopt thisapproach butitisacommon one.

We start by examining the phasor representation of individual circuit elements. In

order todo thiswe need a phasor form of Ohm’s law. This is

=ĨZ (9.7)

where Ṽ is the voltage phasor, Ĩ is the current phasor and Z is the impedance of an

element or group of elements and may be a complex quantity. Note that phasors and

complex numbers are mixed together in the same equation. This is a common practice

because phasors areusually manipulated as complex numbers.

9.8.1 Resistor

Experimentally it can be shown that if an a.c. voltage is applied to a resistor then the


equal to the resistance,R. So, givenĨ = I̸ 0,Z=R̸ 0, using Equation (9.7) we have

Ṽ=IR̸ 0.This isillustratedinFigure 9.11.

9.8.2 Inductor


π/2, and so the phase angle of the impedance is π/2. We also know that the magnitude

oftheimpedanceisgivenby ωL.So,givenĨ =I̸ 0,Z=ωL̸ π/2,usingEquation(9.7)

we haveṼ =IωL̸ π/2. An alternative way of representingZ for an inductor is to use

the Cartesian form, that is


Z=ωLe jπ/2 = ωL cos π )

2 +jsinπ 2

= jωL


inductor isillustratedinFigure 9.12.

9.8.3 Capacitor

For a capacitor it is known that the voltage lags the current by a phase of π/2 and the

magnitude of the impedance is given by 1

ωC . So givenĨ = I̸ 0,Z= 1

ωC ̸ −π/2, we



p –2



V ~



I x

V ~


Phasordiagram foraresistor.


Phasordiagram foran inductor.

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