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340 Chapter 9 Complex numbers


Electrical engineers are often interested in analysing circuits in which there is an a.c.

power supply. Almost invariably the supply waveform is sinusoidal and the resulting


isof the form

v(t) =Vcos(ωt +φ) =Vcos(2πft +φ) (9.6)

whereV is the maximum or peak value, ω is the angular frequency, f is the frequency,

and φ is the phase relative to some reference waveform. This is known as the time

domain representation. Each of the voltages and currents in the circuit has the same

frequency as the supply but differs inmagnitude and phase.

In order to analyse such circuits it is necessary to add, subtract, multiply and divide

these waveforms. If the time domain representation is used then the mathematics

becomes extremely tedious. An alternative approach is to introduce a waveform representation

known as a phasor. A phasor is an entity consisting of two distinct parts: a

magnitude and an angle. It is possible to represent a phasor by a complex number in

polarform.Thefixedmagnitudeofthiscomplex number corresponds tothemagnitude

of the phasor and hence the amplitude of the waveform. The argument of this complex

number, φ, corresponds to the angle of the phasor and hence the phase angle of the

waveform. Figure 9.10 shows a phasor for the sinusoidal waveform of Equation (9.6).

The time dependency of the waveform is catered for by rotating the phasor anticlockwise

at an angular frequency, ω. The projection of the phasor onto the real axis

gives the instantaneous value of the waveform. However, the main interest of an engineer

is in the phase relationships between the various sinusoids. Therefore the phasors

are‘frozen’atacertainpointintime.Thismaybechosensothatt = 0oritmaybechosensothataconvenientphasor,knownasthereferencephasor,alignswiththepositive


the various phasors remain the same at all points in time once a circuit has recovered

from any initial transients caused by switching.



this is not a problem as phasors, although thought of as vectors, are manipulated as

complex numbers, whichcan bedivided. We willavoidthese conceptual difficulties by

introducing a different notation. We will denote a phasor byṼ, which corresponds to

V ̸ φ incomplexnumbernotation(seeFigure9.10).Thus,forexample,acurrenti(t) =

Icos(ωt+φ)wouldbewrittenĨinphasornotationandI̸ φincomplexnumbernotation.

Many engineers use the root mean square (r.m.s.) value of a sinusoid as the magnitude

of a phasor. The justification for this is that it represents the value of a d.c. signal

that would dissipate the same amount of power in a resistor as the sinusoid. For









Illustration ofthe phasorṼ =V̸ φ where ω =angular

frequency with which the phasor rotates.

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