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9.5.1 Multiplicationanddivisioninpolarform

9.5 Polar form of a complex number 335


useful. For example, suppose wewant tomultiplythe complex numbers

We find

z 1

=r 1

(cosθ 1

+jsinθ 1

) and z 2

=r 2

(cosθ 2

+jsinθ 2


z 1

z 2

=r 1

(cosθ 1

+jsinθ 1

)r 2

(cosθ 2

+jsinθ 2


=r 1

r 2

{(cosθ 1

cosθ 2

−sinθ 1

sinθ 2

) +j(sinθ 1

cosθ 2

+sinθ 2

cosθ 1


which can be written as

r 1

r 2

{cos(θ 1

+ θ 2

) +jsin(θ 1

+ θ 2


using the trigonometric identities of Section 3.6. This is a new complex number which,

ifwecomparewiththegeneralformr(cosθ +jsin θ),weseehasamodulusofr 1

r 2


an argument of θ 1

+ θ 2

. To summarize: to multiply two complex numbers we multiply

their moduliand add their arguments, thatis

z 1

z 2

=r 1

r 2̸ (θ 1

+θ 2


Example9.13 Ifz 1

= 3̸ π/3 andz 2

= 4̸ π/6 findz 1

z 2


Solution Multiplyingthemoduliwefindr 1

r 2

= 12,andaddingtheargumentswefind θ 1

+ θ 2


π/2.Thereforez 1

z 2

= 12̸ π/2.


and subtracttheirarguments,that is

z 1

z 2

= r 1

r 2

̸ (θ 1

−θ 2


Example9.14 Ifz 1

= 3̸ π/3 andz 2

= 4̸ π/6 findz 1

/z 2


Solution Dividing the respective moduli, we find r 1

/r 2

= 3/4 and subtracting the arguments,

π/3 − π/6 = π/6.Hencez 1

/z 2

= 0.75̸ π/6.


1 Markonan Arganddiagrampointsrepresenting

z 1 =3−2j,z 2 =−j,z 3 =j 2 ,z 4 =−2−4jand

z 5 = 3. Find the modulus andargumentofeach

complex number.

2 Expressthe following complex numbersin polar


(a) 3 −j (b) 2 (c) −j (d) −5 +12j

3 Find the modulusandargumentof(a)z 1 = − √ 3 +j

and (b)z 2 = 4 +4j. Hence expressz 1 z 2 andz 1 /z 2 in

polar form.

4 Express √ 2̸ π/4,2̸ π/6and2̸ −π/6 in Cartesian

forma +bj.

5 Prove the result z 1

z 2

= r 1

r 2

̸ θ 1 −θ 2 .

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