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9.2 Complex numbers 327

9.2.1 Thecomplexconjugate

Ifz =a +bj,wedefineitscomplexconjugatetobethenumberz =a −bj;thatis,we

change the sign of the imaginary part.

Example9.3 Write down the complex conjugates of

(a) −7+j (b) 6−5j (c) 6 (d) j

Solution Tofindthecomplexconjugatesofthegivennumberswechangethesignoftheimaginary

parts. Apurelyreal number has animaginarypart0.We find

(a) −7 −j (b) 6 +5j (c) 6,thereisno imaginarypart toalter (d) −j

We recall that the solution of the quadratic equation 2x 2 +2x +5 = 0 yielded the two

complexnumbers − 1 2 + 3 2 jand−1 2 − 3 2 j,andnotethattheseformacomplexconjugate

pair. This illustratesamore general result:

When the polynomial equationP(x) = 0 has real coefficients, any complex roots

will always occur incomplex conjugatepairs.

Consider the following example.

Example9.4 Show that the equationx 3 −7x 2 +19x −13 = 0 has a root atx = 1 and find the other


Solution IfweletP(x) =x 3 −7x 2 +19x −13,thenP(1) =1−7 +19 −13 =0sothatx =1

is a root. This means thatx −1 must be a factor ofP(x) and so we can expressP(x) in

the form

P(x)=x 3 −7x 2 +19x−13=(x−1)(αx 2 +βx+γ)

=αx 3 +(β−α)x 2 +(γ−β)x−γ

where α, β and γ arecoefficientstobedetermined.Comparingthecoefficientsofx 3 we

find α = 1. Comparing the constant coefficients we find γ = 13. Finally, comparing

coefficients ofxwefind β = −6,and hence

P(x) =x 3 −7x 2 +19x −13 = (x −1)(x 2 −6x +13)

Theothertwo rootsofP(x) = 0 arefoundby solvingthe quadraticequation

x 2 −6x+13=0,thatis

x = 6 ± √ 36−52


= 6 ± √ −16



and again we note that the complex roots occur as a complex conjugate pair. This illustratesthegeneralresultgiveninSection1.4thatannth-degreepolynomialhasnroots.

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