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9 Complexnumbers

Contents 9.1 Introduction 324

9.2 Complexnumbers 325

9.3 Operationswithcomplexnumbers 328

9.4 Graphicalrepresentationofcomplexnumbers 332

9.5 Polarformofacomplexnumber 333

9.6 Vectorsandcomplexnumbers 336

9.7 Theexponentialformofacomplexnumber 337

9.8 Phasors 340

9.9 DeMoivre’stheorem 344

9.10 Lociandregionsofthecomplexplane 351

Reviewexercises9 354


Complex numbers often seem strange when first encountered but it is worth persevering

with them because they provide a powerful mathematical tool for solving several


(a.c.) circuits. Engineers are very interested in these because the mains supply is

itself a.c., and electricity generation and transportation are dominated by a.c. voltages

and currents.

A great deal of signal analysis and processing uses mathematical models based on

complex numbers because they allow the manipulation of sinusoidal quantities to be


equipment relies heavily on their use.

One area of particular relevance is control engineering -- so much so that control

engineers often prefer to think of a control system in terms of a ‘complex plane’ representation

rather than a ‘time domain’ representation. We will develop these concepts in

this and subsequent chapters.

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