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310 Chapter 8 Matrix algebra

The branch currents arethen

I a

=I 1


I b

= I 2

−I 1

= −281 −278 = −559 mA

I c

=I 3

−I 1


I d

= −I 2

= 281 mA

I e

= I 2

−I 3

= −281 −619 = −900 mA

I f

=I 3


An alternative approach to analysing an electrical network is to use the node voltage

method which is often simply called nodal analysis. This technique is fundamental to


We introduce thistechnique by means of an example.



The node voltage method utilises the notion that ‘islands’ of equal potential lie between

electrical components and sources.The procedure isas follows:

(1) Pick a reference node. In order to simplify the equations this is usually chosen


the largestnumber of branches.

(2) Assignanodevoltagevariabletoalloftheothernodes.Iftwonodesareseparated


variable. The node voltages areall measured with respect tothe reference node.

(3) At each node, write Kirchhoff’s current law in terms of the node voltages. Note

that once the node voltages have been calculated it is easy to obtain the branch


We will again examine the network of Figure 8.2, but this time use the node voltage



Kirchhoff’s current lawfor each node, weobtain:

node a

node b

I a

=I a

V b

+E 1

−V a

R 1

= V a −V d

R 2

V b

R 2

+E 1

R 2

−V a

R 2

=V a

R 1

−V d

R 1

V a

(R 1

+R 2

)−V b

R 2

−V d

R 1

=E 1

R 2

I a

+I b

+I d


V b

+E 1

−V a

+ V b −V c

R 1

R 3

+ V b +E 2 −V e

R 5

= 0

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