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304 Chapter 8 Matrix algebra


isan infinity of solutions corresponding to λ = 1.

We now consider λ = 5 and seek solutions of the systemequation:

(A−λI)X =0

[( ) ( ( ) ( 4 1 1 0 x 0

−5 =

3 2 0 1)]

y 0)

( ( ) ( −1 1 x 0


3 −3)

y 0)

Written as individual equations we have

−x+y =0

3x−3y =0


isonlyoneequation.Solving −x+y = 0givesy =xforanyx.Sowewritex ( =t,y =t.


Hencetheeigenvectorcorrespondingto λ = 5isX =t .Againtheeigenvectorhas


been determined towithin an arbitraryscaling constant.


they arethere. Insuch a case wesay the eigenvectors of the systemare

( )

( 1 1

X = and X=

−3 1)

Example8.47 Determine the eigenvectors of

( ( ) ( 3 1 x x

= λ

−1 5)

y y)

Solution InExample8.43wefoundthatthereisonlyoneeigenvalue, λ = 4.Weseekthesolution

of (A−λI)X =0.Withλ =4wehave

( ) ( ) ( )

3 1 1 0 −1 1

A−λI= −4 =

−1 5 0 1 −1 1

Hence (A − λI)X = 0is the same as

( ( ) ( −1 1 x 0


−1 1)

y 0)

Thus there isonly one equation, namely


which has an infinity of solutions:x =t,y =t. Hence thereisone eigenvector:

( 1

X =t


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