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298 Chapter 8 Matrix algebra

where λ is some unknown constant. Clearly these equations have the trivial solution

x = 0,y = 0.The equations may be written inmatrix formas

( ) ( 2 1 x x

= λ

3 4)(

y y)

or, usingthe usual notation,


We now seek values of λ so that the system has non-trivial solutions. Although it is

tempting to write (A − λ)X = 0 this would be incorrect sinceA−λ is not defined:A

is a matrix and λ is constant. Hence to progress we need to write the r.h.s. ( in a slightly


differentway.Tohelpusdothisweusethe2 ×2identitymatrix,I.Now λ maybe


expressed as

( ) 1 0 x


0 1)(


( x

since multiplying by the identity matrix leaves it unaltered. So λX may be written


as λIX. Hence wehave

AX = λIX

which can bewritten as

AX−λIX =0

(A−λI)X =0

Notethattheexpression (A − λI)isdefinedsincebothAand λI aresquarematrices

of the same size.

WehaveseeninSection8.11.1thatforAX = 0tohavenon-trivialsolutionsrequires

|A| = 0.Hence for


to have non-trivial solutions requires



( ) ( ) 2 1 1 0

A−λI = − λ

3 4 0 1

( ) ( ) 2 1 λ 0

= −

3 4 0 λ

( ) 2 − λ 1


3 4−λ

So the condition |A − λI| = 0 gives

∣ 2 − λ 1

3 4−λ∣ = 0

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