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290 Chapter 8 Matrix algebra

thelastequationstates0x +0y − 13 3 z = −13 ,thatisz = 1.Backsubstitutionofz = 1


in the second equation gives y = −5 and, finally, substitution of z and y into the first

equation givesx = 3.

Example8.37 Solve the following equationsby Gaussian elimination:

x−y+z =3

x+5y−5z =2

2x+y−z =1

Solution Forming the augmented matrix,wefind

⎛ ⎞

1−1 13

⎝ 1 5−52⎠

2 1 −1 1

Then, as before, we aim to eliminate all non-zero entries under the step. Starting with

those inthe first column, wefind

R 1

R 2

→R 2

−R 1

⎝ 1 −1 1 3

0 6−6−1⎠

R 3

→R 3

−2R 1 0 3 −3 −5


R 1

R 2

R 3

→2R 3

−R 2

⎝ 1 −1 1 3

0 6−6−1

0 0 0 −9

Thislastlineimpliesthat0x+0y+0z = −9,whichisclearlyinconsistent.Weconclude

that thereareno solutions.

You will see from Examples 8.36 and 8.37 that not only have all entries under the step



systemhasbeenreducedtoechelonformiffori < jthenumberofleadingzerosinrow

j islarger thanthe number inrowi. Consider Example 8.38.

Example8.38 Solve the following equationsby Gaussian elimination:

2x−y+z =2

−2x+y+z =4

6x−3y−2z = −9

Solution Forming the augmented matrix,wehave

⎝ 2 −1 1 2

−2 1 1 4 ⎠

6 −3 −2 −9

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