

288 Chapter 8 Matrix algebraThe aim, as before, istocarryout rowoperations on the stepped form( )2311 1 3inordertoobtainvaluesofzerounderthestep.Clearlytoachievetherequiredform,therow operations we performed earlier arerequired, thatis( )R 1 2 31R 2→2R 2−R 1 0 −1 5The last line means 0x −1y = 5, that isy = −5, and finally back substitution yieldsx,as before.This technique has other advantages in that it allows us to observe other forms ofbehaviour.Weshallseethatsomeequationshaveauniquesolution,somehavenosolutions,whileothershave an infinite number.Example8.34 UseGaussian eliminationtosolve2x+3y=44x+6y=7Solution Inaugmentedmatrix form wehave( )2344 6 7We proceed toeliminate entries under the step:( )R 1 23 4R 2→R 2−2R 1 0 0 −1Study of the last line seems to imply that 0x + 0y = −1, which is clearly nonsense.When this happens the equations have no solutions and we say that the simultaneousequations areinconsistent.Example8.35 UseGaussian eliminationtosolvex+y=02x+2y=0Solution Inaugmentedmatrix form wehave( )1102 2 0Eliminating entries under the stepwefind( )R 1 110R 2→R 2−2R 1 0 0 0This last line implies that 0x + 0y = 0. This is not an inconsistency, but we are nowobserving a third type of behaviour. Whenever this happens we need to introduce whatare called free variables. The first row starts off with a non-zero x. There is now norow which starts off with a non-zero y. We therefore say y is free and choose it to be

8.10 Gaussian elimination 289anything we please, thatisy = λλisour free choiceThen back substitution occurs as before:x+λ=0x=−λThe solution is therefore x = −λ, y = λ, where λ is any number. There are thus aninfinite number of solutions, forexampleorx=−1 y=1x = 1 2y = − 1 2and so on.Observation of the coefficient matrices in the last two examples shows that they have adeterminantofzero.Wheneverthishappensweshallfindtheequationseitherareinconsistentorhaveaninfinitenumberofsolutions.Weshallnextconsiderthegeneralizationofthismethodtothreeequationsinthreeunknowns.Example8.36 Solve byGaussian eliminationx−4y−2z =212x+y+2z =33x+2y−z = −2Solution We first formthe augmentedmatrix and add the steppedpatternasindicated:⎛⎞1−4−2 21⎝ 2 1 2 3 ⎠3 2 −1 −2The aim is to eliminate all numbers underneath the steps by carrying out appropriaterowoperations.Thisshouldbecarriedoutbyeliminatingunwantednumbersinthefirstcolumn first. We findR 1R 2→R 2−2R 1R 3→R 3−3R 1⎛⎝1−4−2 210 9 6−390 14 5 −65We have combined the elimination of unwanted numbers in the first column into onestage.We now remove unwanted numbers inthe second column:⎛⎞R 1 1−4 −2 21R 2⎜ 0 9 6 −39 ⎟R 3→R 3− 14 ⎝9 R 2 0 0 − 13 ⎠3 −13 3and the elimination is complete. AlthoughR 3→R 3+ 14 4 R 1would eliminate the 14, itwould reintroduce a non-zero term into the first column. It is therefore essential to usethe second row and not the first to eliminate this element. We can now read offzsince⎞⎠

288 Chapter 8 Matrix algebra

The aim, as before, istocarryout rowoperations on the stepped form

( )


1 1 3


row operations we performed earlier arerequired, thatis

( )

R 1 2 31

R 2

→2R 2

−R 1 0 −1 5

The last line means 0x −1y = 5, that isy = −5, and finally back substitution yieldsx,

as before.

This technique has other advantages in that it allows us to observe other forms of


have an infinite number.

Example8.34 UseGaussian eliminationtosolve



Solution Inaugmentedmatrix form wehave

( )


4 6 7

We proceed toeliminate entries under the step:

( )

R 1 23 4

R 2

→R 2

−2R 1 0 0 −1

Study of the last line seems to imply that 0x + 0y = −1, which is clearly nonsense.

When this happens the equations have no solutions and we say that the simultaneous

equations areinconsistent.

Example8.35 UseGaussian eliminationtosolve



Solution Inaugmentedmatrix form wehave

( )


2 2 0

Eliminating entries under the stepwefind

( )

R 1 110

R 2

→R 2

−2R 1 0 0 0

This last line implies that 0x + 0y = 0. This is not an inconsistency, but we are now

observing a third type of behaviour. Whenever this happens we need to introduce what

are called free variables. The first row starts off with a non-zero x. There is now no

row which starts off with a non-zero y. We therefore say y is free and choose it to be

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