

284 Chapter 8 Matrix algebraTo understand this expression it is necessary that matrix multiplication has been fullymastered, for, by multiplying outthe l.h.s.,wefind( ( ) ( )2 4 x 2x +4y=1 −3)y 1x−3yand the form (8.7)follows immediately.We can writeEquation (8.7) asAX=B (8.8)( )( ( )2 4 x 14whereAisthe matrix ,X isthe matrix andBis the matrix .1 −3 y)−8( xIn order to findX = it is now necessary to makeX the subject of the equationy)AX =B. We can premultiply Equation (8.8) byA −1 , the inverse ofA, provided such aninverse exists,togiveA −1 AX =A −1 BThen, noting thatA −1 A =I, we findthat isIX =A −1 BX =A −1 Busingthepropertiesoftheidentitymatrix.WehavenowmadeX thesubjectoftheequationasrequiredandweseethattofindXwemustpremultiplyther.h.s.ofEquation(8.8)by the inverse ofA.InthiscaseA −1 = 1 ( ) −3 −4−10 −1 2( ) 3/10 2/5=1/10 −1/5andA −1 B ==( ) ( ) 3/10 2/5 141/10 −1/5 −8( 13)( xthat is,X = =y)( 13), so thatx = 1 andy = 3 isthe required solution.IfAX =BthenX =A −1 BprovidedA −1 exists.Thistechniquecanbeappliedtothreeequationsinthreeunknownsinananalogousway.

8.9 Application to the solution of simultaneous equations 285Example8.32 Express the following equations inthe formAX =Band hence solve them:3x+2y−z =42x−y+2z =10x−3y−4z =5Solution Usingthe rules of matrix multiplication, wefind⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞3 2−1 x 4⎝2−1 2⎠⎝y⎠ = ⎝10⎠1−3−4 z 5whichisintheformAX =B.ThematrixAiscalledthecoefficientmatrixandissimplythe coefficients ofx,yandzinthe equations. As before,AX=BA −1 AX = A −1 BIX =X=A −1 BWe musttherefore find the inverse ofAinorder tosolve the equations.To invertAweuse the adjoint. If⎛ ⎞3 2−1A = ⎝2−1 2⎠1−3−4then⎛ ⎞3 2 1A T = ⎝ 2−1−3⎠−1 2−4and you should verify thatadj(A) isgiven by⎛ ⎞10 11 3adj(A) = ⎝ 10 −11 −8⎠−5 11 −7The determinant ofAis found by expanding along the first row:|A|=3∣ −1 2∣ ∣ ∣∣∣ −3 −4∣ −2 2 2∣∣∣ 1 −4∣ −1 2 −11 −3∣Therefore,= (3)(10) − (2)(−10) − (1)(−5)=30+20+5= 55A −1 = adj(A)|A|⎛ ⎞= 1 10 11 3⎝ 10 −11 −8⎠55−5 11 −7

284 Chapter 8 Matrix algebra

To understand this expression it is necessary that matrix multiplication has been fully

mastered, for, by multiplying outthe l.h.s.,wefind

( ( ) ( )

2 4 x 2x +4y


1 −3)

y 1x−3y

and the form (8.7)follows immediately.

We can writeEquation (8.7) as

AX=B (8.8)

( )

( ( )

2 4 x 14

whereAisthe matrix ,X isthe matrix andBis the matrix .

1 −3 y)


( x

In order to findX = it is now necessary to makeX the subject of the equation


AX =B. We can premultiply Equation (8.8) byA −1 , the inverse ofA, provided such an

inverse exists,togive

A −1 AX =A −1 B

Then, noting thatA −1 A =I, we find

that is

IX =A −1 B

X =A −1 B

usingthepropertiesoftheidentitymatrix.WehavenowmadeX thesubjectoftheequationasrequiredandweseethattofindX


by the inverse ofA.


A −1 = 1 ( ) −3 −4

−10 −1 2

( ) 3/10 2/5


1/10 −1/5


A −1 B =


( ) ( ) 3/10 2/5 14

1/10 −1/5 −8

( 1


( x

that is,X = =


( 1


, so thatx = 1 andy = 3 isthe required solution.

IfAX =BthenX =A −1 BprovidedA −1 exists.


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