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276 Chapter 8 Matrix algebra

( )

a b

If A is the matrix , we write its determinant as

c d

∣ a b

c d∣ . Note that the straight

lines || indicate that we are discussing the determinant, which is a scalar, rather than

the matrix itself. If the matrixAis such that |A| = 0, then it has no inverse and is said

tobe singular. If |A| ≠ 0 thenA −1 exists andAissaidtobe non-singular.

Asingular matrixAhas |A| = 0.

Anon-singular matrixAhas |A| ≠ 0.

Example8.23 IfA =

( ) 1 2


5 0

( ) −1 2

find |A|, |B|and |AB|.

−3 1

Solution |A| =

∣ 1 2

5 0∣ = (1)(0) − (2)(5) = −10

|B| =

∣ −1 2

−3 1∣ = (−1)(1) − (2)(−3) =5

( )( ) ( )

1 2 −1 2 −7 4

AB =


5 0 −3 1 −5 10

|AB| = (−7)(10) − (4)(−5) = −50

We note that |A||B| = |AB|.

The resultobtained inExample 8.23 istruemore generally:

IfAandBaresquare matrices of the same order, |A||B| = |AB|.

8.6.2 Orthogonalmatrices

A non-singular square matrixAsuch thatA T = A −1 is said to be orthogonal. Consequently,

ifAisorthogonalAA T =A T A =I.

Example8.24 Find the inverse ofA =

( ) 0 −1

. Deduce thatAisan orthogonal matrix.

1 0

Solution From the formula forthe inverse of a 2 ×2 matrix wefind

A −1 = 1 ( ) ( ) 0 1 0 1


1 −1 0 −1 0

This isclearly equal tothe transpose ofA. HenceAisan orthogonal matrix.

To findthe inversesoflargermatricesweshallneedtostudydeterminantsfurther.This

isdone inSection8.7.

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