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8.3 Addition, subtraction and multiplication 261

Ingeneral wehave

⎞ ⎛

a 11

a 12

... a 1n

ka 11

ka 12

... ka 1n

a 21

a 22

... a 2n

IfA= ⎜



. ..

. ..

⎠ thenkA = ka 21

ka 22

... ka 2n



. ..

. ..

a m1

a m2

... a mn

ka m1

ka m2

... ka mn

8.3.3 Matrixmultiplication

Matrix multiplication is defined in a special way which at first seems strange but is in

factveryuseful.IfAisa p ×qmatrixandBisanr×smatrixwecanformtheproduct

AB only ifq =r; that is, only if the number of columns inAis the same as the number

of rows inB. The product isthen a p ×smatrixC, thatis

C=AB where Aisp×q



Example8.5 GivenA = ( 4 2 ) andB=

Solution Ahas size1 ×2


( ) 3 7 6

can the productAB beformed?

52 −1

Because the number of columns inAis the same as the number of rows in B, we can

formtheproductAB.Theresultingmatrixwillhavesize1 ×3becausethereisonerow

inAand three columns inB.

SupposewewishtofindABwhenA = ( 4 2 ) andB=

( 3


.Ahassize1 ×2andBhas

size2 ×1andsowecanformtheproductAB. Theresultwillbea1 ×1matrix,thatis

a singlenumber. We perform the calculation as follows:

AB = ( 4 2 )( )




Note that we have multiplied elements in the row ofAwith corresponding elements in

the column ofB, and added the results together.

⎛ ⎞

Example8.6 FindCD whenC = ( 192 ) 2

andD= ⎝6⎠.


⎛ ⎞

Solution CD = ( 192 ) 2

⎝6⎠ =1×2+9×6+2×8=2+54+16=72


Let us now extend this idea to general matrices A and B. Suppose we wish to findC

whereC =AB.Theelementc 11


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