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8 Matrixalgebra

Contents 8.1 Introduction 257

8.2 Basicdefinitions 258

8.3 Addition,subtractionandmultiplication 259

8.4 Usingmatricesinthetranslationandrotationofvectors 267

8.5 Somespecialmatrices 271

8.6 Theinverseofa2×2matrix 274

8.7 Determinants 278

8.8 Theinverseofa3×3matrix 281

8.9 Applicationtothesolutionofsimultaneousequations 283

8.10 Gaussianelimination 286

8.11 Eigenvaluesandeigenvectors 294

8.12 Analysisofelectricalnetworks 307

8.13 Iterativetechniquesforthesolutionofsimultaneousequations 312

8.14 Computersolutionsofmatrixproblems 319

Reviewexercises8 321


Matrices provide a means of storing large quantities of information in such a way that

each piece can be easily identified and manipulated. They permit the solution of large


implementation follows naturally. Applications of matrices extend over many areas of

engineering including electrical network analysis and robotics.

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