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238 Chapter 7 Vectors

so thatadepends linearly oncandb. Providedk 2 ≠ 0,then

b = 1 k 2

c − k 1

k 2


so that b depends linearly on c and a. The set of vectors {a,b,c} is said to be linearly

dependent and any one of the set can be written as a linear combination of the other

two.Ingeneral, we have the following definition:

Asetofnvectors {a 1

,a 2

,...,a n

} islinearlydependentif the expression

k 1

a 1

+k 2

a 2

+···+k n

a n


canbesatisfiedbyfindingscalarconstantsk 1

,k 2

,...,k n


If the only way we can make the combination zero is by choosing all thek i

s to be

zero,thenthe given setofvectors issaidtobe linearly independent.

Example7.10 Show thatthe vectors iandjarelinearly independent.

Solution Weformtheexpressionk 1

i +k 2

j = 0andtrytochoosek 1

andk 2


satisfied. Using columnvectors wehave

( ) ( ) ( 1 0 0

k 1


0 2


1 0)

that is (k10 ) ( ) ( ) ( 0 k1 0

+ = =

k 2

k 2


The only way we can satisfy the equation is by choosingk 1

= 0 andk 2

= 0 and hence

we conclude that the vectors i and j are linearly independent. Geometrically, we note

that sincethey are perpendicular, no scalar multiple ofican give j and viceversa.

Example7.11 Thevectors

⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞

1 5 13




3 9 21

are linearlydependentbecause, forexample

⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞

5 1 13 0

3⎝1⎠ −2⎝2⎠ −1⎝−1⎠ = ⎝0⎠

9 3 21 0


1 PandQliein thex--y plane. Find → PQ,wherePis the

point with coordinates (5,1) andQisthe point with

coordinates (−1,4).Find | → PQ|.

2 AandBlie in thex--yplane. If Ais the point (3,4)

and Bis the point (1,−5) write down the vectors

OA, → OB and → AB.Find aunitvector in the direction

of → AB.

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